PARMON ------------------------------------- (parmon)
Parmon is among the true netlabel activists in Germany. Based in Dresden he co-
founded the Phonocake label in 2003 with some friends and is one of the main creative
forces there since then. As musician, site designer, DJ, event organizer and future
theorist he takes the word 'activist' literally in almost any field of electronic
culture. Parmon also supplied the term 'Musical Open Soure Code' for describing the
essential character of a riddim. And - after all - Jahtari wouldn't be here without
the Phonocake-release 'A FISTFUL OF DUB', which basically started everything!
He produced the track 'Kimension Drums' for the DRUM SONG SOURCE CODES EP (JTREP02).
Check out
Parmon's homepage for THREE more versions of the track as well as other
releases by
him! Not to be missed!
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