When you tell people that you're playing an instrument called 'computer' you will
frequently hear that this is not really a big deal since 'the computer does
all the work on its own'
and anybody could master it in a few days - mainly because
it does not require year-long training of the
motorical skills. But this is only
partly true since
anybody can learn to play a piano too - and a computer definitely
does not produce
nice, innovative
music out of its own. To be good with this
particular instrument it DOES require year-long
training of skills too, but skills
of the MIND mostly, which are not that obvious to see.
So the creation of an instrument-machine that can really contain an unlimited
of constantly improving instruments and that is operated by the MIND only was
one of
the biggest achievements in musical history ever. The impact this new
technology had
and has on the way music is produced, perceived and how it sounds
became more and
more apparent in the last few
years only.
Today many people are quite
used to graphical music editors and production
environments like CUBASE, ABLETON
or LOGIC and to the amazing capabilities of modern
sound chips. The result are loads of innovative releases every month, which
were only
made possible with this very technology (our records included of course). But
development which brought us all these blessings took its start 20 years back,
the creation of a TOY (as it is often perceived) - the COMMODORE C64 Homecomputer.
So this is the story of the rocky road named 'COMPUTER MUSIC' that also presents the
(unconcious) background of the soundtrack of our youth - COMPUTER GAME MUSIC.
- the history of the C64 and the homecomputer movement
- the history of the Sound Interface Device (SID-Chip), mother of all soundchips
- the (unknown) pioneers of computer music: Rob Hubbard, Ben Daglish, Martin
Galway, Chris Hülsbeck and others
- DOWNLOAD section: lots of tools to play, process and produce SID-sounds.
Including reFX's
QUADRASID-plugin for VST!
- LINKS section: SID-related links for further reading, playing and rocking in
IMPORTANT: Be sure to download the SID-plugin for the browser or
the SIDAMP-plugin
first at the
section! And then don't forget to turn up your amp!
(you should hear some nice in-game music from 'DELTA' by Ron Hubbard right now)