BOOKMOOCH: swap your books around the world for free. Well, almost. I recently stumbled upon the fine Bookmooch-concept via PHLOW.NET - and now I'm addicted!
The idea is |
Bookmooch.com itself is completely non-commercial. It's merely a database where you can add old books you want to get rid of and that everybody can search for stuff they'd like to have. If you find something you like you just "mooch" it from the owner - and he'll it send to your home. At his own costs. Vice versa people can mooch books from you too, if you agree to send it over you pay for the shipment. |
The currency here are points that you get rewarded for every piece you send. Or for every book you enter A really fine deal that makes it damn cheap to get new reading material while minimizing paper waste So if you got heaps of old paperback cramming your flat it's really worth a check. Great to get hold of old |
Links: www.bookmooch.com |