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STUFF ------------







IMPORTANT: if you can't read anything written here except this you probably haven't downloaded the nice C64-font yet, which
you will absolutely need to display all the information here. Simply rightclick THIS and save the CBM-6480.TTF Truetype-file
into your WINDOWS\Fonts directory or click the FONT INSTALL-button on the left!. Sorry for the inconveniences but you
(hopefully!) won't regret it!

One thing for general navigation: this site should be fun to play around with so many
elements in it respond to rolling over them with the mouse. New pictures will become
visible then or animations and sound will be triggered. Try some things out and play
around a lot!


Under 'MUSIC' and 'ARTISTS' you will find - surprise! - infos and background about
us as artists, and more important, about our past, current and upcoming releases and
future plans. You can also download our NET-7"s and one past EP in full length
as MP3 and pre-listen to lots of upcoming stuff. Have fun with all this!

The 'MAGAZINE' is something like an irregular updated zine and database on some
topics that are connected in one way or the other to what we're doing here. The
general issues are basically MUSIC and something like MODERN CULTURE or a mixture of
both. For instance there's the REGGAE HISTORY or an essay on the history of SID-music
(the Commodore C64 Homecomputer soundchip), both with many sound examples, pictures,
interviews, recommendations and downloads.

Also in work is an article about Interactive Fiction and adventure games, a Movie
section (with something on Eastern, Spaghetti Western and Science Fiction Movies) and
a SF-literature essay. So when you check this site frequently you should find
something new there from time to time.

The reason for the MAGAZINE section is simply that I would like to read more on some
issues in the net and at the same time like to write about them too. So if you like
some collected data on some things, maybe read a new angle on others or simply like
an (hopefully) interesting yarn, you should click over there.

Under 'LINKS' are of course many links to quite everything of interest to us, sorted
in categories, and finally there's the 'SHOP'. There you can order our releases as
well as countless other Reggae records via our JAHTARI ONLINE STORE, run by KRYSTOFF.

To contact us simply click the Pacman symbol in the upper left corner. Any feedback,
criticism and suggestions concerning our music, this site or any other topic are
highly welcome!