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Total messages: 136
klakrie | date: 12/05/2005 | time: 15.10
very very very nett was ihr da an sounds bastelt und eine super homepage ... grade was für den maj
(und sicher das ganze jahr) beifall aus århus dk
Realizer | date: 11/05/2005 | time: 03.46
Man this site shows what the true reggae feelings are, though one picture is really of Big Youth, not U-Roy( in the Roots
section)l. One love.
Ras Nadee | date: 29/04/2005 | time: 05.00
MY GREAT RESPEEEEECT MAN! I LiKe So MucH YOUR WORKA! Please, tracklists of mixtapes? It's a pedagogical
flavour mix tapes for me ! Singers, musics...ThAnKS! OrIgINaL BRASIL sTaila!!!
disrupt | date: 16/03/2005 | time: 21.32
Yeah, they're definitely great on CD - and even better on vinyl! But CDs would defintely mean problems
with copyrights
and that stuff... But more mixtapes are in the tube, so check back frequently!


Ras Daniel | date: 16/03/2005 | time: 19.09
You gotta sell those mixtapes on cd mon that would be great.
Jah bless
Dubolix | date: 12/03/2005 | time: 15.10
Hallo Jan,
was ihr da produziert ist ja der absolute Hammer! Ich bin schwer beeindruckt und hab mir das "Fistful of Dub"
over gleich mal als Hintergrundbild
installiert. Thank you for the music!
dilvie | date: 13/02/2005 | time: 11.20
Just droppin' a note to let you know that I've featured "The Stars
My Destination" on my mp3 blog.
You can expect a couple hundred downloads in the next day or two. Enjoy.
dubstudent | date: 15/01/2005 | time: 05.06
By the way, recently I have produced "tetris dub"... It's not 100 digital (it has live melodica + guitar). but it's full
of 8 bit arcade sounds and the legendary tetris theme...
Have you got an e-mail address, I would like to share music nad get some feedback!! Guidance..
dubstudent | date: 15/01/2005 | time: 04.49
Jahtari? fresh!!I produce glitchydub as well... let's keep in touch...
da svennomator | date: 13/01/2005 | time: 00.04
right ya! my good old mate jan... lets startet a new definition of electronic-dub...thanx for sendin
da filez..we workin! gettin forward...2005 we are comin! polyfus





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