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Total messages: 136
Rankin Drifter | date: 23/03/2006 | time: 10.42
Yes I i man really like dat, good vibes on your mixtapes, big up mr krystoff, tuff selecta
Don Fé | date: 22/03/2006 | time: 12.39
Class site........... just what the world needs!!
Fe Wolter | date: 20/03/2006 | time: 17.25
brilliant- I love the design and the concept. big up and blessings from rootsdub veterans THE VISION
CJ Cola | date: 15/03/2006 | time: 22.12
julian | date: 13/03/2006 | time: 18.22
hab dich mal auf meiner seite verlinkt ^^ gruß, julian
MaRcéLiTÔ | date: 10/03/2006 | time: 01.01
We made a festival in august (19.20)ihis name is "lesirreductibles" do you have a cd for us. Pleace I really like that style BiG Up
Thomas D. | date: 04/03/2006 | time: 18.41
ites! nice new release... really gut-shaking ;) keep on dubbing for long time :) greetz thomas
felix | date: 26/02/2006 | time: 22.37
mensch leute! ihr seid der knüller!
die seite taugt mir auch sehr, der player is klasse... alles was mensch sich wünschen kann von einem netlabel...
meine frau findet euch auch gut *] auch wenn ihr technik mehr suspekt ist... wenn ihr in münchen seid und n pennplatz braucht, schickt mir ne mail...
bless ya!
Josh | date: 20/02/2006 | time: 22.13
VOLFONIQ, great work!! this net 7" is PHat with a capital PH.
dexter | date: 10/02/2006 | time: 13.07
OH MIO DIO! This is the best web site in the Universe. Why I have not found it before? Compliment!!! I have put the link of this site on my blog. See you later.