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Total messages: 136
Phour Trakk | date: 10/08/2005 | time: 20.03
Yo J.! Bin nur grad ma vorbeigesurft nachdem ich meinen umzug hinter mich gebracht und jetzt
wieder online bin und da seh ich, dass du diesen monat ja wieder meine heimatstadt beehrst! cleanicum is ja bei mir um die ecke! sehr schön,
da komme ich doch auf jeden fall vorbei!! :-) Ich hab ja jetzt so langsam mein leben wieder und somit auch wieder zeit für musik und
freizeitgestaltungen! Bis dahin! Julian
klakrie | date: 31/07/2005 | time: 14.59
regnet grade mal wieder wie beim troppen monsun: ausser das es natürlich viel kälter ist :-( sommer an der küste !!
schön das es dann eine neue bombe bei und "grünes" zum abwinken gibt
kaneel | date: 24/07/2005 | time: 14.05
nice dubby vibes here!
disrupt | date: 17/07/2005 | time: 20.55
thanks for the nice words!! And you can send in demos anytime! if it fits somehow to our general approach, the things I wrote
in the theory section (under MAIN). Cheers!
re-chord | date: 17/07/2005 | time: 15.30
I thought i knew a little bit about reggae, that was before i discovered your website and i'm only starting to browse to
it so far and it is extremely detailed and very comprehensive. And disrupt what it is great is that you don't over glorified reggae music like a
lot of reggae artists tends to do and it is so refreshing plus that way you are just big time credible. Great music and thanks for sharring
your knowledge about reggae on that great website of yours.PS: ok just in case you are scared i don't sell anything, i'm no suck up and i don't intend to send demos ;)
disrupt | date: 06/07/2005 | time: 08.53
You'll have to restart the browser to make that work. Sorry for the inconvenience! We're working on another
d!RT!E/mdS | date: 05/07/2005 | time: 16.48
font install wont work here with firefox (installed font but page s look does not change)... anyway gtx phrom leipziiichhh
Bo Marley | date: 23/06/2005 | time: 22.02
HEY JAN.....thank you for the liltle gift you send us! very nice! We are absolutely inspired by your digital dub stile.
right now we are working with some music in "Mad Tracker" with vocals on it! we will send it to you as soon as it is done!
love from Denmark and Der Bo
(by the way, have you received our litle wierd demo?)
Ganesh | date: 22/06/2005 | time: 13.23
die idee allein is schon geil
also bidde imma weida machen
elapse | date: 15/05/2005 | time: 23.30
C=64 rulez! :) Und eure Muzak ist genau das richtige, um mal ordentlich im Inet zu versacken. Einfach klasse
- ich fang an Netlabels noch mehr zu lieben, als ich es bisher mache! Und dabei bin ich schon länger der Netlabelsucht verfallen. Viele Grüße
aus Chemnitz und schaut mal auf vorbei: C AmigA rulez! *hehe*





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